Quinta had a busy day today. After what seemed like a slow and quiet morning, his grandma and grandpa (my parents) came over for a visit. They had not seen Quinta since the surgery, so were eager to see him.
When they came into the living room, Quinta immediately got up and hopped over to them to say hello. Grandpa brought cherry tomatoes and cucumbers for Quinta — he has been growing them for Quinta in his garden. Quinta got a lot of loving attention as well as praise and encouragement for what a brave dog he has been.

In the afternoon, we had another buggy outing. This time, Quinta’s friend An, a young and friendly greyhound, met us and we went for a “walk” together. We walked the same route that we used to before Quinta’s surgery and Quinta seemed very pleased to be in a familiar surrounding.

After an exicting outing, Quinta is now lying on his bed sound asleep. In his dreams, he is running around with An and feasting on his cherry tomatoes.
Watch out Quinta, An is trying to get in your buggy! You are the envy of every dog in Japan! Hat photo of you two is adorable.
Quinta, every photo shows you looking more alert and even happier than the previous one! You always have a smile on your face:-)
Special visit from Grandma and Grandpa AND they brought cherry tomatoes and cucumbers? You are one well fed pup! That picture with the three of you really shows the loving…it’s a keeper
Brave Quinta—and you— are the epitome of living in te moment, being prese t in tne moment and enjoying each moment to the fullest. Always remember, Quinta doesn’t know he has any old stupid disease, diagnosis and statistics mean nothing to him. He has his own rules of how he’s gonna live his life and he’ll decide his own timeframe on his own terms!
I think it’s wonderful that you are pursing a holistic option. I would think Japan is very “cutting edge” in that category! And that’s good news for Brave Quinta! And Grandpa’s garden veggies to the mix and all that loving……lots of healing power right there:-)
All paws crossed over here and keep these GREAT updates a d WONDERFUL photos coming!! Gosh, it’s still so early in recovery and he’s doing realy well!
((((((((((((HUGS TO ALL)))))))))))
Sally and Happy Hannah
Just curious……does Quinta “hop” in and out of the buggy on his walks? Get out to take a pee and sniff around and then decides to get back in? Or does he just stay in his buggy and enjoy the scenario?
It’s just the cutest thing seeing him so happy and smiling ….he seems “proud” of his buggy! You’re a mighty good mom and he’s a mighty good dog!
I just LOVE seeing Quinta’s adventures! He’s so lucky to be surrounded by such love and great people, and doggies too. What a beautiful thing.
Quinta, you have the best family and friends! I’m sure glad Grandma and Grandpa came over to visit you! And I think Sally is right: I think An wants to hitch a ride in your buggy! Hope you enjoyed your healthy snacks!!