Today, Quinta and I went on our “regular” walk around our neighborhood — in Quinta’s new buggy! Since he got home, Quinta has been a little hesitant about going outside. He was, however, happy to get into his new buggy and to go for a ride on our regular route.
We went to visit the lady at our neighborhood dry cleaning store. She and her husband are very fond of Quinta and Quinta loves to stop by the store because he knows that he will get treats! He had not visited since his surgery. I called the cleaning store lady before we headed over to let her know that we were coming, and she was waiting outside the store. She was so happy to see Quinta and cried, knowing what a brave dog he has been throughout his surgery and his recovery. Of course, she was all ready with the treats!

We are all trying to make sure that Quinta has as “normal” a life as possible — as close to the life we had before his surgery. If he cannot walk on our regular route, we can do so together if he rides the buggy. He can then visit with the same friends he used to visit and meet new friends and just enjoy being outside like any dog would.
Dogs in buggies are not a common sight, at least where I live, so there were some people who stared at us as if I were a crazy woman. That did not bother me the least — so long as Quinta was having a great time!
Quinta, that’s a sweet ride you have there, my friend! Very cool!! Glad you got to see your friends again! I’m sure they showered you with yummy treats!!!
That’s fantastic. I’ve been thinking of getting one for Roxy 🙂
And I’m crying too doggone it! But at least they’re tears of sweet joy. It jist melted my heart to see Brave Quinta so happy and to be able to keep is normal routine.
I love the first picture—well, I LOVE them ALL……but in that one he’s soooooo cute as he intently staring at the treats she has in her hands:-) 🙂
Quinta clearly is having a great joy ride on this journey! As the surgery pain continues to subside and all the herbs kixk in, his stamina may increase also. Then again, Quinta’s thinking, “Are you kidding? Walk in this heat when I can ride in my very own buggy?! This is one happy pup and that makes us all smile:-)
You are a wonderful mom and the devotion you have for each other is beautiful. Quinta is sooooo loved and he kows it!!
PLEASE keep updating us with these wonderful photos. He looks very, very happy and immensely content!
Hugs to you! Hugs to Brave Quinta and hugs to the sweet shop keeper!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Yaaaay! Quinta, every where you go out in this great big world you are touching so many hearts. It’s wonderful to see you out there and showing the world what Tripawds can do!