The animal hospital called this morning to say that Quinta can come home. Sadly, the otherwise happy news came with some bad news: the tests on Quinta’s lymph glands (removed during surgery) revealed that the cancer has metastasized. While chemotherapy (lomustine) is an option, Quinta already has anemia and low white blood cell count, which will likely worsen with chemo.
For now, Quinta is safely home and relaxing in his favorite bed. He still has a slight fever and we need to monitor his temperature several times a day. His appetite is healthy but his back legs are a bit weak from having spent a week in the hospital. A friend came to visit, and when she entered the room, Quinta immediately got up, wagged his tail and walked over to her to say hello.
Today I am just thankful that Quinta is home with me.

awwww sweet boy…
we never know what the outcome of our decision are going to be.. otherwise we would all be winning the lottery and living on an island in the tropics somewhere!! But.. alas, we try our hardest for our furbabies.. and we should never, ever feel guilty that we tried.. or should have done this… or should have done that..
$^&*%# cancer sucks… and so does the news of mets.. I know exactly how you feel..
now.. there is something that many of these tripawd cuties are on that have mets.. they slow the growth down.. Sassy Sugar Bear is taking it.. and it starts with a “M” but for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it at this time… geesh.. brain fart..
check with your vet about it.. and I will look around the site to see if I can find the name.. or someone else can post it here? Help tri-peeps?
other than that.. all I can say is love Quinta up.. daily, hourly, every minute and do all those special things he likes to do.. like eating ice cream.. or popcorn.. or whatever!!
“TODAY I AM THANKFUL QUNTA IS HOME WITH ME”! Congratulatins Quinta!! Jist being ome will make EVERYNE feel better!! I kmow I do:-) 🙂
Okay, let’s blow a couple of things out of the way first.
No’ that’s not particularly good about the lymph node, HOWEVER, It doesn’t’necessarily change your prognosis. And by the way, everyone here will tell you we don’t listen too much to those knds of things anyway! Some dogs don’t do nearly as well as the “prognosis” said….AND some do far better than any ole’ prognosis!!
Many surgeries did not even include a lymph node test here!! I guess…..and I’m no vet…it doesn’t really change what the treatment would be! There are dogs on the site who had it show up either then, or later, and they still got some mighty fine extraordinay quality time to be loved and spoiled like crazy!!
So, you really shouldn’t let that concern you too much. Really!
Now, this fever thing and low WBC. I may have asked before…..did they say the cause and the treatment? I guess the llw blood would be kn relation to the fever?? Sooooo, once the fever ks gone, maybe the blood count will rise?? Dunno’…just curious.
There’s a wonderful blog just the other day from Tracy and Maggie—–she’s doing a lot of effective holistic treatments—-and one was for fever….I’ll try and find it and get back to you. The clinic she uses is The Animal Wellness Center in Maine.
You’ve got a couple of weeks before you have to think about chemo. I do know many have decided against chemo for various reasons and have done very well on supplements, nutrition, holistic, etc.
It is still very early in recovery and you will see his sparkle start to come back..–.and his strength!! That’s a PROMISE!
My dog had a slow recovery…..seemed like forever! Five onths plus post amp. now and sparklng on with so much joy and happiness ow! One of the supporters here told me to do exactly what you did……have someone come over that he likes and watch the positive change in attitude! Keep on clapping for everything he does….let him feel your constant positive energy…which you clearly are a vwey positive pawparent!!
What’s his treat today? Watermellon perhaps?
“Home is where the dog is!” Quinta is home!! YAAAAAAY!!
More pictures! More posts! We love ’em!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Quinta is eating and drinking and pooping and peeng—-and tail wagging!! All wonderful news!!
PS. Do they still have him tramadol or other pain meds?
Welcome home Quinta! Yay! You look sooo good.
I know you aren’t going to let the news about the cancer get you down. And you shouldn’t; many dogs have done really well even when the cancer went to the lymph nodes. I have also read that when this happens, it doesn’t always have an impact on survival rates. So I have my paws and fingers crossed that you will beat the odds too!
Teach your people how to take things one day at a time and life will be good for all of you.
Enjoy your time recovering at home, let us know if we can help OK?
Quinta is a very special boy. Wishing him a speedy recovery and I hope he’s back to his normal self soon.
My dog Roxy, had her rear right leg amputated due to osteosarcoma, and we recently discovered that she also has fibrosarcoma in her mouth, which had metastasized in her lymph glands (they were removed as well). She is still acting like her happy self, though.
Welcome to Tripawds. By the way, my father’s family comes from Tokyo; he came to Canada in the 70s and met my mother here.
I’m so glad Quinta is home and surrounded with love! Will keep both of you in my prayers.
Oscar’s mom (Lora), Oscar and Gus