Quinta seems to be doing much better today (Saturday). He is no longer in a crate with the other animals and is getting VIP treatment by being allowed to roam around in a small air-conditioned room all for himself. He is still on pain medication but a lot less groggy than he was yesterday. He can stand up and hop around. When I came into the room, he was all smiles. For his snack today, I brought some blueberries (another favorite treat) from the blueberry tree at our house. The vet thinks that we need a few more days in the hospital for monitoring, but I hope he can come home early next week.

Ohhhhh, another lovely picture of your handsome boy!!
Thank you!
I really like the idea that the vet keeps them a few days. I KOW you miss him terribly, but those first several, several days can be pretty tough! No sleep for mom! But I know h ow thrilled you’ll be with him home….and so will he!
I give my Happy Hannah blueberries too—–gonna try those cherry tomatoes you talked about next! ‘Think I mentioned she likes watermelon too!
Please give him a hug from all of us…..don’t forget! Maybe even a little kiss too! Yeah, definitely a big smooch!
Look forward to more updates and photos of your handsome boy!
Sally and Happy Hannah
You handsome boy! Look at at you getting all the love and attention by the doctors, you’re going to be a real celebrity by the time you leave the clinic.
Blueberries too? Neat! You’ll need to write a book just about your favorite treats!
Get well soon my friend.