Quinta passed away late Tuesday night, here at home. So as to make sure that I would not be alone, he waited until Tuesday when he knew that our dog-sitter would be spending the night. Quinta was in some discomfort all day Tuesday, but did not seem to be in pain. He passed away quietly and peacefully.

Brave Dog Quinta. He was the most precious thing in my life, the love of my life. Today I can only feel pain and sorrow and see your beautiful handsome face through my tears.

Oh my dear Brave Quinta, I’m so sorry tl hear this sad news I know it was comforting for you to be at home surrouded by love……surrounded by your favorite stuffed toys and people that mattered to you the most. You did things your way and on your own terms.
I remember in one of your previous posts how excited you were when your “dog sitter” came to see you. Yeah, without doube you waited for the dogsitter to make sure your mom had someone with her…. that’s the kind of sweet soul you are.
There are no words for you tonight. Take solace in knowing Brave Quinta knew how much you loved him and knew you did everything in the world to give him the best life a dog could have. You filled his life with so much love and joy and he will take that with him on the next phase of his journey Quinta filled your life with jo and love and he left that here for you. NOTHING can separate the bond you two shared. Your connection is unbreakable.
Unfortnately, we have lost several members of our tripawd family in a very short time…and now our Brave Quinta has gone to join them. Just heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking.
You are surrounded by the love and support of this community. No one understands better than this group of people. Please let us be here for you however we can best help you during tnis very sad time.
Your wonderful loving and gentl energy came shining through with each post, as did Quinta’s. You two were meant to be together and nothing will change that Quinta is still here with you. You will feel his presence break through your pain soon.
I’m afraid m computer is getti g ready to crash s I’l have to sign off for now…..but will be back in the morni g.
Until the, take one of Quinta’s toys and hold it close to you heart. Now visualize Quinta strong and feeling vibrant and healthy. He doesn’t run far though because he keeps coming back to check on you He sees you holding his toy and that makes his tail wag…..and seeng that tail wag should put a smile on your heart. He’s with you.
Surrounding you with Quinta’s loving light,
Sally and Happy Hannah
Quinta fought bravely and had your loving care until the end. All our thoughts are with you and holding you close.
Luanne and Spirit Shooter
So sorry to hear of this. Heart breaking. Will be thinking of you!
That’s quite a sendoff. He’s looking as regal, as content, and as loved as ever. Run free and fast, Quinta. We miss you, but your momma misses you more than ever. HUGS your way.
~ Katy & Jackson
oh Quinta… do you know how many cherry blossoms there are at the bridge??? Lots and lots and lots!!!! and they bloom ALL THE TIME!!!! Quinta.. you did get to see the blossoms again, you did! And you didn’t have to wait that long and you didn’t have to wait in pain! You can play under them until the day comes that your loved ones will find you again! And then you can lie under the blossoms forever and ever, together!
RIP sweet boy… you were well loved on your journey here.. and still loved on your future journey!
Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥
Quinta the angel. I did not have the chance to follow your triumphs and struggles but just from this post I can feel how much you were loved. May you find peace in the memories of your beautiful boy.
Kelley and Trio
I am so sorry to hear of Quinta’s passing. RIP little boy. You were loved.
Michelle & Angel Sassy
I’m so sorry to hear Quinta has gone on. He was such a brave boy, and he fought a tough battle. Whenever I see cherry blossoms, I will think of your beautiful boy. Sending my thoughts to you.
I am so sorry Quinta has been called home, but I know he was very ill. It sounds like he indeed needed to go and waited till you had support. I wish we could make all this horrible stuff go away, but until we can the best we can do is exactly what you did: Try to make it better, hold and hug and love, and be there for our animal friends.
Thank you for loving Quinta so much and for taking such good care of him.
My heart broke when I saw this news, I’m so very sorry. How we all wished Quinta had been able to beat this cancer but for whatever reason the universe thought was his time to become an angel dog, and somewhere I know there are lessons for all of us.
You took such great, loving care of him throughout his life until the very end, the love you have for Quinta is not something that will ever fade away. It will only become stronger as his spirit guides you throughout your own earthly journey.
Please accept our deepest condolences, we are so very sorry. May Quinta’s spirit run free and bring comfort to those pawrents who are new to the Tripawd journey.