A heartfelt thanks for everyone’s kind messages of support, which were duly received and appreciated here across the Pacific. Quinta, while weak and in discomfort from his enlarged liver, is fighting back as if to insist that he is still alive and has a lot of capacity for love and joy. He can still get up and walk and go to the bathroom on his own. He still has a healthy appetite although the frequency and amount of his meals needed to be adjusted so that he does not eat a lot in one sitting (so as to relieve pressure on his stomach). Most importantly, Quinta still smiles and wags his tail when he is happy, especially when a friend is visiting or he is the center of attention. Quinta is still full of life.

The nights are the toughest; Quinta pants frequently and cannot sleep. A friend gave me some flower remedy (rescue remedy), which seems to help Quinta relax. I use a handmade oxygen mask hooked up to an oxygen machine at night, to help with Quinta’s breathing.

Quinta’s special pancakes — we are calling them “Gena Pancakes”, named after Gena, a friend’s Labrador, who passed away a few years ago from cancer and for whom my friend came up with the recipe — are a big hit and Quinta devours them with relish.
The recipe is very simple: one cup flour, two eggs, one-third cup milk, about a cup of chopped vegetables (cabbage, carrots and mushrooms) and about a half-cup of chopped (cooked) chicken liver. We also mixed in some maitake powder, believed to help boost the immune system.

The key is to make the pancakes small enough so that they are a little bit bigger than bite-size for Quinta. That way, he can have a few throughout the day as nutritious snacks.

I am learning to live day by day, listening to Quinta and what he wants and needs. Today, he wants love and joy and lots of delicious treats.
Thank you so much for sharing that recipe!!!!
And I can tell from the pictures that he certainly LOVES those Pawcakes!!
Give him a kiss on the brow from us over in Canada.. and tell him we say hello.
Quinta certainly has friends from all over the world!
Enjoy your day with lots of loving, lots of snuggles, and lots of treats!
Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥
What a handsome boy! Those treats look to be a huge hit, we’ll have to try them! Was just reading about Quinta’s journey. Glad to see he seems a little better! We wish you all well!
I’ve packed the syrup and we’re comng over for pancakes!
They look mouth wtering good! Thank you for sharingtat recipe.
Ad give Gena a hug for is and let her kmow her beloved lab’s legacy continues on! These pancakes will be n a lot of doggy menus now ad us humans!
Brave Qunta, you are enjoying life’s simplest of pleasures and that really exemplifies a quality life. Love, eat, be spoiled, have every need met, be surrounded by friends and family, enjoy Jam’s friendship, give love, waggng your tail……did I mention being spoiled and love? Yeah, ‘think so!
That beautiful, handsome face just continjes t melt hearts over nere! Talk avout eyes being widow to the soul…Quinta defnes that one! What a lovely, gentle soul that boy has. Jjst a love bug! With a lot of fight too!
Quinta’s attitude is letting you know he is still thoroughly enjoying life….yeah, a little discomfort here and there nd acting more like a slower moving senior, but that’s to be expected! He’s just enjoying beng with you and still lovng his life!
We love hearing from Brave Quinta and seeng those beautiful pictures! He looks happy and alert….especially eyeing those pancakes! Great little “oxygen mask” by the way! Good idea!
We’re all cheering for you Quinta! Keep relishing in the moment and enjoy every blissful second…..and you seem to be doing that just fine!! You are ne loved and hapy fella’
Pass the syrup please!
Sally and Happy Hannah
He’s adorable! How sweet. Oh, I wish him a good recovery.
Thanks for the recipe and pics. It looks great! I may just try that for Jackson, too, but for us I’m going to use oatmeal flour instead (we’re off wheat products b/c of Jackson’s cancer). Ever tried oatmeal flour? If not for your pup, try in your banana bread. Delish!
Hugs to Quinta! He’s got a sweet sounding setup there.
~ Katy & Jackson
Quinta has trained you well! And he still has many lessons to teach. Love and joy and treats–that about says it.
Stay the course, Quinta. I bow to your grace and fortitude.
Quinta is such a fighter and obviously wants to enjoy the love you give each other for as long as possible.
Sending you all our blessings.
Luanne & Spirit Shooter
We love you Quinta! Your spirit is still so strong, we can tell that you are not ready to give up because you still have so much to teach us.
Like that recipe! Thank you for including it. May we re-publish this in our Tripawds Nutrition blog? I know others will get a lot of use out of it, the recipe looks fabulous.